MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) - Marquette is updating its recycling carts.
The City of Marquette will roll out new carts Monday to all residents that are currently on the solid waste program. Using money from two grants totaling $355,000, the city ordered up to 6,000 64-gallon recycling carts from Cascade Cart Solutions of Grand Rapids. The new carts will be the same size as the old carts but will be blue. Residents with 18-gallon open-topped bins will be able to fit more than three times as much in their new carts.
Marquette Public Works says the new bins will likely encourage more recycling in Marquette.
“We are trying to do our part to help increase recycling rates for the city of Marquette specifically,” said Scott Cambensy, Director of Public Works. “Not only that, but for the state in general. I think we stand a chance to actually double our recycling rates if things go as planned.”
Marquette will distribute the new carts Monday, Sept. 12, and will collect the old ones next week.
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