Police Blotter: Man Abandons TV And 2 Hover Boards He Wheeled Out Of Walmart When Confronted; Policeman Assists Changing A Flat Tire - Chattanoogan.com

2022-06-19 00:23:34 By : Ms. Chole Xu

A loss prevention agent with Walmart, 490 Greenway View Dr., told police that a white male entered the store and placed an Orr TV and two hover boards in a grocery cart. The man then passed all points of sale without paying for the merchandise. The agent walked outside and yelled at the man, who then abandoned the cart and items and fled the scene. The agent was able to get the items back.

A woman called police and said she is an Erlanger employee and had parked her vehicle in the employee parking lot at 116 Central Ave. She said she parked around 7:40 a.m. and, when she returned, she found that her catalytic converter had been stolen. At this time there is no suspect information or surveillance footage.

A disorder was reported at the shopping center at 541 Signal Mountain Road. Police spoke with the woman and man who were allegedly involved. The woman said she had not been in any kind of disorder with anyone, and that she had been yelling earlier at a friend of hers who was walking down the train tracks. Police then met with the man who was possibly involved. He said that he had not been in a disorder with anyone, and that he was just trying to take a nap in the vehicle that was on scene. Due to there being no reports of physical violence occurring, police documented the report of a possible disorder at this location.

Police observed a woman outside the front doors of the Speedway at 1330 E 3rd St. who was panhandling next to a posted no loitering sign. The woman was observed for several minutes loitering and was identified. A warrant check was conducted showing no active warrants. An employee on scene requested the woman be trespassed. Police informed her that she is trespassed and she left the area without incident.

A disorder was reported between a couple at the Speedway, 1330 E 3rd St. Police identified the two. Both were causing so much noise that patrons of the Speedway were stopping what they were doing to see what the yelling was about. A warrant check was conducted and showed no active warrants for either. Both were separated and left the area on foot.

Police were called to an abandoned auto at 18480 Interstate 24 EB. TDOT requested that a white Mitsubishi Montero needed to be towed, due to the car being a road hazard. The vehicle was involved in an accident and remained at the scene on the right shoulder outside of the roadway. Multiple people had been seen at different times approaching the vehicle, which presents a hazard. NC Towing arrived on scene and towed the vehicle to their lot.

Police observed a red Toyota Prius (TN tag) backed into a parking spot far from the doors of Walmart, 3550 Cummings Hwy. Upon inspection, the vehicle showed in the NCIC database as stolen out of Winchester, Tn.  Police verified that the vehicle was still confirmed as stolen. There was no additional damage, besides what was initially reported. The initial report stated that the vehicle had a flat tire. That tire was fixed prior to police recovery. The vehicle was recovered and towed by United Wrecker and removed from NCIC. There is no suspect information.

An employee of U-Haul told police he noticed a U-Haul van in the parking lot of the Home Depot at 7421 Commons Blvd. that was reported stolen from a U-Haul company in Greenville, S.C. A check of the tag and VIN showed that the vehicle was not stolen. The employee said that a U-Haul representative from the area would be responding to have the vehicle towed back to their company.

A woman on Park Avenue told police that overnight someone stole her Smith & Wesson M&P Shield (40 cal.) with eight rounds of ammo, and the firearm's holster from the glove box of her  Volkswagen Tiguan. She said she believes the doors were left unlocked due to no signs of forced entry. There is no suspect information at this time. The woman was able to provide a picture of the firearm and holster. She said she would be able to call back with the firearm's serial number at a later time that evening. The woman did call in with that serial number later.

A man told police he arrived at Lowe's, 5428 153 Hwy., at about 1030 a.m.. He said he left the store about 11 a.m. and noticed when he returned to his truck that his tool box and tools had been taken from the back of his pickup truck. He said he checked with security at Lowe's and was told he first has to file a police report before they will check the security footage.

A woman told police that her mother had a power of attorney fraudulently taken out for her by her husband. She said he is now attempting to sell their residence on Brook Manor Drive without her permission. She claimed she has proof that the husband fraudulently signed the documents with her mother's name. The mother is living with her daughter in San Jose, Ca. due to a health issue right now.

A woman on Charles Drive told police she was walking down the street and she saw what looked like a firearm on the side of the road. She said that she picked it up and it was not loaded. She then took it to her residence and called the police. She showed police the firearm and it was a blue Cobra FS 380. Police ran the serial number and it was not stolen. Police then turned the firearm into Property Division.

An anonymous caller told police a man was sitting in a field with a shopping cart at 4004 Rossville Blvd., and they wanted police to check on him. Police located the man in question and he identified himself. He said that he was homeless and he did not need police assistance. There was nothing of concern, and the man went on his way.

Police encountered a couple sitting in a Ford Ranger (TN tag) next to the railroad tracks at 3200 Crescent Circle. Both were checked for warrants and none were located. The vehicle was not stolen and both were ordered to leave the area.

While on patrol, police observed a vehicle with a flat tire and the occupants were attempting to put on the spare. The officer asked if they needed assistance and they responded yes. After placing the jack on, it was determined the tire iron they had did not fit the lug nuts. The officer offered the person a ride to Walmart down the road to buy another one, and he declined. The officer explained he had a four-way iron at his residence and would be getting off work shortly and could return to assist, and they agreed. The officer retrieved his four-way and returned and switched out the  tires, so that the citizens could continue with their travel and have the blown tire replaced.

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